
What We Do?

Websites & Landings

We just love design very much and we do it really good. A landing or website is like a first handshake with a customer. Let us plan, create and build beautiful website for you on the latest technologies that will help drive growth and improve visibility for your business.

Newsletters & Banners

We design professional advertising products such as newsletters and banners for use in digital applications. Dotcompilots can help you to deliver the right message at the right time to the right audience. We provide the best way to keep in contact with your clients.

Illustrations & Icons

Let us design a set of icons you love. We choose the best combination of color, graphic, verbal, typographic and design elements that creates the impression of unique artwork which would become the calling card for your company. Our designer’s illustrations are in sweet and cozy style, so your customers will absolutely adore your brand visualization.

Our Tarifs

Newsletters and Banners

we have a lot of plans for you from


We have developed five tariff plans , depending on many parameters : the number and complexity of additional elements , the urgency of the project. We are sure you will choose the right one!

more about tarrifs

Websites and Landings

we have a lot of plans for you from


Tariffs for the creation of websites and Landing are very flexible and depend on the time spent on the design, layout and programming . See what the tariffs for you?

more about tarrifs

Web Illustration and Icon Sets

we have a lot of plans for you from


Our illustrations and icons are sold in sets. You can use them on the site, identity, and in general wherever it is necessary

more about tarrifs

Client Testimonials

Darina helped me with the design of the flyer for the Critical Mass Project in Donetsk.

The work she developed was very professional, creative and has lots of local identity in it.

I surely recommend Darina expertise and skills to any Design company and I was trully impressed by her work.

Miguel Oliveira, Town Planner, Researcher and Activist

Working with Darina brought a lot of pleasure for me. She is aimed, creative and hardworking. I tell her several words like: "it should be great" and tell the branch the site is going to be related. The results are always impressive and well-liked by our customers.
Irina Golosova, Project Manager at Net Craft

Our company works with Dotcompilots for more than two years. Newsletters became my routine work and I often communicate with girls about it.

By the way, designers are very creative in such a routine task as newsletter, every newsletter is a happening, beautiful and catchy. I guess, all of that are good arguments to work with Dotcompilots.

Kateryna Mirgirodskaya, ArmStreet LLC

I needed a site about tantra massage. My expectations were not to be like spa salons usually are. Web designer took my ispiration and dreams and created a catchy design! Nice color combinations and relaxing photos, creative approach means that girls are professional and sedulous. Our site is very atmospheric, relaxing and keeping up spirits. That is exactly what I wanted to say to my beloved client.
Svetlana Textoris, Tantra Massage Studio

/*--- Reset Styles ---*/
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/*--- Custom Buttons ---*/
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/*--- Lists Styles Global Reset ---*/
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/*--- Custom Fonts ---*/
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/*--- Canvas Styles ---*/
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/*--- Global Styles ---*/
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/*--- Header Styles ---*/
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/*--- Main Menu Styles ---*/
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/* .logo a img { margin: 0 auto;} */
/*--- Main Menu Styles ---*/
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/*--- Mobile Nav ---*/
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.owl-buttons div {}

/*--- Mobile Nav ---*/
/*--- Main Section ---*/
main { background: url(../img/backgrounds/main-line.png) 0 1px repeat-x; padding-top: 28px;}
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/*--- Main Section ---*/
#what-we-do { padding-top: 1.2em;}
#what-we-do h2 { margin-bottom:0.6em;}
#what-we-do img { border: 2px solid #111183; background: #f4f1ed; padding: 10px;}
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#what-we-do .content .row .block .details { padding-left: 2.5em; padding-right: 5em;}
#what-we-do .content .row .block .img-container { position: relative; display: block;}
#what-we-do .content .row .block .img-container .hover-details { display: none; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; background-color: rgba(236, 184, 81, 0.5); border: 2px solid #111183; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 1.35em;}
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#what-we-do .content .row .block {}
#what-we-do .content .row .block .btn { margin-top: 0.35em; min-width:210px;}
#tarifs {}
#tarifs .content-text { margin-left: -25px; margin-right:-25px;}
#tarifs .content-text .block { padding-left:25px; padding-right:25px; padding-bottom:1.375em;}
#tarifs .content-text .block .info { background:#1f212c; color:#fff; text-align:center; padding: 4.75em 1em 0 1em;}
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#tarifs .content-text .block .info .desc a:hover { color: #ffb118;}
#tarifs .btn-block {}
#tarifs .btn-block .btn { text-transform:uppercase; padding:17px 36px; min-width:31%;}
#testimonials { padding-top:3.5em;}
#testimonials .content-text { margin-left:-25px; margin-right:-25px;}
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/*--- Selected Works ---*/
.categories { margin-top:3em;}
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/*--- Our Team Styles ---*/
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/*--- Social Styles ---*/
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/*--- Instagram Styles ---*/
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/*--- Blog List Styles ---*/
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/*---Contact Styles ---*/
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/*--- Templates Styles ---*/
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/*--- Single Project Page ---*/
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/*--- Mobile Style ---*/
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